What is Religion?

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What is Religion?  We think we know the answer, but there is more to it than most people think.

On this website, we will use the Merriam-Webster definition of “Religion”…

A system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith“.

Everyone has a religion. Anything we humans place faith in with zeal is our system of beliefs.

We can define the characteristics of a system of beliefs from a religious perspective…

  • They all have:
    • An object of worship such as a god or idol or even an idea
    • A story that defines it as a unique system of beliefs

This website uses the Merriam-Webster definition for “worship” as…

To regard with great or extravagant respect, honor, or devotion“.

We all have a religion

The concept of “religion” applies to many life philosophies. All lifestyles qualify as religions.

Generally, secular culture makes a distinction of a religion as having the presence of a God. But whether we worship God, or a god isn’t acknowledged, we can’t escape the components of faith. Every lifestyle has an object of worship, that is, something regarded with extravagant respect, honor, and/or devotion. In other words…a god. We all must fill a god-shaped hole in our lives, with some kind of god.

For example, a sports fanatic honors and respects an athlete or sports team with the same kind of devotion as a Christian does their God. Sports fanatics put their love and adoration in stories of competitions between teams or the personal performance of an athlete. The devotion is so strong some people even pattern their lives after these sports heroes.

Despite a self-view of not being involved in Religion, all sports fanatics have all the components of a god-centric religion. It’s just that their god is man-made and their beliefs aren’t philosophical. At the same time, Science, Education, Politics, and Social Justice all qualify as religions.

Super Hero Culture

Moreover, the entertainment world is full of man-made gods. It too displays devotion to polished presentations.

As a matter of fact, in modern American pop culture, it has become a fashion to cancel God, and then replace Him with god-like superheroes that meet all of the characteristics of a savior. But try as they might, these big-screen gods just don’t fill that god-shaped void, leaving those who take solace in those man-made creations wanting more.

Like someone who is suffering pains of hunger, wanting food, those who try to fill the god-shaped void with man-made contrivances feel the soul pains of wanting God in their lives.

Your life is worth looking into the truth about God; Christianity believes your choice has eternal ramifications. Shouldn’t you get it right?

Note: This website distinguishes the word “god” with a small case “g” for any god that isn’t the Judeo-Christian God, whose name is God, among His many names. Also, a capitol “G” denotes sovereignty and reverence.

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